

Mangialavori M. Suggesta is a latest comprehensive repertory, special and unique because it contains the immense clinical experience of Dr. Massimo Mangialavori. The first release in 2021 will include more than 30,000 of his repertory additions, coming from more than 10,000 patients over 35 years of analysis and study. This Suggesta repertory has been written …

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Bianchi’s Repertory of Homeopathy and Homotoxicology

The perfect and flawless software tool for Homeopaths, Naturopaths and Alternative medicine practitioners also. The busy Homeopaths can easily search for various pathological conditions and find the accurate remedy suggestions within the attentive and focused clinical rubrics of this Bianchi repertory. This Bianchi repertory comes into its own in a busy practice where the case …

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H.Roberts – Sensations As If

The go-to repertory for those cases where the sensation is deeply marked and well-described Perfect for looking up the outstanding rare, strange and peculiar symptoms Roberts “Sensations as if” has various single-remedy-rubrics, which are written in the refined language of the prover As the Homeopathy is established on matching the detailed account of your patient’s …

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Boericke – Repertory in Pocket Manual

Boericke’s Repertory is immensely helpful in search of small remedies – especially for treating the specific pathologies Boericke’s Repertory can be used to eminent effect in cases where the pathological signs predominate and where a definite aetiology is known. Elizabeth Wright-Hubbard says the following words- Dr. Boericke divides symptoms into determinative and basic classes, the …

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J.Ward – Sensations As If

A repertory comprised of subjective symptoms written in a succinct 2-word format Dr. Herbert A Roberts graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College. He practiced for a little time in Vermont, Brattleboro and then set up practice in Derby. He wrote The Rheumatic Remedies and The Classic, The Study of Remedies by Comparison, Principles …

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PITCAIRN R. , WENDY J. – New World Veterinary Repertory

This repertory was established on the backbone and foundation of Boenninghausen’s Characteristics Materia Medica & Repertory as constructed by C.M. Boger, with rubrics added from Jahr, Kent, and Boger’s Synoptic Key. It highlights and emphasizes concomitants, ameliorations and aggravations of symptoms, that we have established to be the most authentic guide to the curative medicine …

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Synthesis TE 2009 Repertory

The trusted and tried repertory used by thousands of the professional Homeopaths RadarOpus is the only software using Synthesis repertory The tried and trusted repertory used by thousands of professional Homeopaths. Synthesis repertory represents close collaboration or combination throughout the profession; the experienced Homeopaths have contributed to the project by including their own appraised and …

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